Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Technology as a Learning Tool

Assignment: Evaluate one of the examples (Science) using your technology rubric. <- (This rubric was created by myself and two of my Science colleagues in our technology class last week) 

How is technology used? 
This example was such an awesome use of technology in the classroom! "Skype Science" involved two physics classrooms, one in China and one in Chicago, in which lab partners communicated via Skype!  Students held video chat sessions with their international partners twice throughout the school year (due to the time differences) and collaborated in solving different physics problems.  According to our technology rubric, this is an excellent example of a Constructivist Communication activity. 

What are the strengths/weaknesses of using technology as a learning tool? 

     Some challenges that this example of technology in the classroom faced are ones that teachers often worry about when utilizing technology in their classrooms.  First, the reliability of the internet 
connection - with 30 students trying to access Skype all at once in a computer lab, the promise of the connection is limited.  I've been experiencing this problem at my school, and I know that lack of internet connection is happening district-wide. Today in my classroom, our devices couldn't recognize the Apple TV for our room (brand new, installed last week), so we could project (through mirroring) the video that we wanted to. Relying on internet for activities in your classroom, especially those that require a strong connection (like Skype), is a risk that teachers have to be willing to take in order to use technology in the classroom. 
     A second problem that this particular example faced was the time difference between the two locations in communicating via Skype.  This is something that you would only run into in this situation (international collaboration) so it has to be feasible and worth it for you to involve your students in (which I 100% think it is!)
How would you improve the use of technology as a learning tool in this example?
      The only thing I would change about the use of technology in this example is the frequency of international Skype communication! - I'd try and make it more that 2x per year, however this corresponds directly with the problem of internet connection, so I understand the difficulties that would go along with that. I really love this idea, it incorporates collaboration, communication, and seeing things from multiple perspectives! 


  1. Hi Kirby,
    Great blog post - I love links and images! Also, I like your suggestion of increasing the communication via Skype so that students can build relationships over time.

  2. I also really like the suggestion of increasing the communication via Skype. I know the main idea of this project is to have the students do the Physics assignment together but I think the other big part is making these connections and relationships with students across the world. It would be hard to make these relationships strong if they only talk twice through the school year. What about not increasing the Skype sessions but introducing another form of communication- perhaps emails or getting even more creative- Twitter between the two classes! The opportunities are endless.

    1. I agree completely that increasing the communication is key.... Twitter is a great idea, an online journal or blog that they can add to, video messages - the possibilities really are endless and I think that they would make the project that much better.

  3. Using Skype to increase collaboration is a great way to foster learning in addition to the content. Speaking with students of different cultures, collaborating via tech tools, communicating procedures and processes. All of these skills are essential to success in different kinds of careers.

    I'm thinking that Skype can be utilized as a collaboration tool for students at home. Skype cannot be the only tool to ensure success, but it makes activities like brainstorming just as good as the live experience (as opposed to brainstorming for GoogleDocs). I'm wondering about the earliest appropriate grade level for students to use Skype as a collaborative tools. What kind of norms and tutorials must we as teachers provide beforehand to ensure that students use this tool effectively?
