Thursday, October 10, 2013

When should technology be used as a learning tool?

When tech should be used...
Technology is an amazing attribute to education that is available now to us more so than ever.  There are definite uses for it in the classroom, however with it's extensive availability, I think it's important to use only when it's necessary - i.e. the task can't be done (or in some cases, can't be done as well) without it. Some examples (especially in a science classroom) include: 

  • Simulations
  • Social Media communication
  • Cross-cultural collaboration - (so awesome!)
  • Presentation

When tech shouldn't be used...
And with my point above, I think it goes without saying that technology shouldn't, and doesn't need to be used all the time - first because it risks losing the intrigue and excitement technology can provide, and second because it disconnects us from personal ways of sharing, communicating, or writing (etc.) that were once the only option available.  Some examples include: 

  •  Think-Pair-Share or face-to-face conversation
  • Class Discussion
  • Data collection  
  • Note-taking or writing


  1. Hi Kirby,
    You bring up a good point that technology can be over saturating and distracting, so it's better to use it only when it makes learning easier or enhances learning. Great post!

  2. Kirby,
    I thought it was very interesting that you decided to place 'Note-taking or Writing' in the category that should not be aided by technology. Oftentimes I see students utilizing technology such as laptops or iPads/Tablets to take notes and/or do writing. Albeit these students are college-level students but nonetheless I feel that in the near future note-taking on gadgets and devices such as tablets or laptops in a secondary level school perhaps may not be too far off the mark!

  3. Hi Kirby,
    I totally agree with you! Technology is such a bad way to have class discussions. There is no replacement for in-person interaction. I also agree with you that there are some things that cannot be done without technology, including social media and cross-cultural communication. Great job!
