Thursday, October 24, 2013

Going 1:1...

Many teachers are worried that technology will distract students and take away from learning. If your school/district were to go 1:1 (one laptop/tablet per student) or BYOD (students bring own devices), how would you approach this issue (e.g., behavior management strategies, have a conversation with students, have students develop an acceptable use policy)?

I think that in going 1:1 or BYOD, management would be a huge issue, like addressed in both articles - however I believe it could be a huge benefit to the learning environment, if used correctly.  In the Social Media and School...Ugh article, the teacher let his students use their devices in the classroom - which I agree with, if used for academic purposes, they should be able to utilize them during appropriate class times.  I would love to utilize Twitter, Instagram and other social media sites for academic purpose; Ms. Welsh does a cool demo? #Ilovebiology

In the second article, For Teachers, Wired Classrooms Pose New Management Concerns they discuss some really useful management techniques that I would definitely implement if my school went 1:1.  They suggest wandering the room, which I would do anyway in my teaching, however it would be really helpful in ensuring the students be on task on their devices.  If they know that the teacher will be walking around the room, then they are less likely to be getting off topic.   Another suggestion that I really liked was putting the students in charge.  With that responsibility and ownership, I feel that they are much more likely to keep each other in line, and listen and respect each other.  I thought it was an even better idea to put a student in charge of hacking the system - what a great idea! Utilize this students' talents in order to protect the school's system... I would definitely do this. 

I really believe that technology in the classroom has potential, however I know that it comes with many challenges.  In my content class last placement, we took our students to the computer lab to work on their Science project write-ups.  In walking around the room, I caught a lot of students off-task.  It makes sense, the technology provides them with a lot of opportunity to become distracted.  That's why I feel like the technology should only implemented for something that's really worth using it for - not for tasks than can be done without it (using it just to use it).  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kirby,
    Great response. I agree that since students get distracted by technology that technology should only be used when it can enhance learning. I wonder why so many students were distracted in the computer lab - because they had access to the Internet? or because they were bored or confused about the task? Or maybe both. I think that student engagement and accountability are critical components to keeping students on task.
